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Josef Schuster bow - CELLO - Consignment

Weight: 81.5g, Balance: 9 1/4"

Weight: 81.5 grams, Balance: 9 1/4"

This bow pulls out the best in any instrument. It has a smooth ride and maintains solid contact on all four strings. Projection is easy as it can be trusted when playing close to the bridge. It doesn't create an overly focused sound; however, its tone is clear and crisp. It handles more delicate passages beautifully while adding a lot of color to the cellos initial sound.                                                             

Octagonal stick, whalebone winding, silver mounted, pernambuco.

The Schuster family of violinmakers and bow makers that operated mainly in Markneukirchen, is huge, with dictionaries listing between 20 and 30 names. Despite there being limited information about this bows origins, Josef Schuster was a violin maker, indicating that this bow was most likely made for him and stamped with his name. The tip of the bow is in the voirin style, meaning that it is shaped similarly to a delicate swan head.

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